Meg Glass & Associates, LLC

Skype Recording Permission Form

This permission slip is included for your consent to have our Skype sessions recorded.  The Sessions will only be used for your benefit and the copy of the file will be emailed to you for your use while working on test preparation and counseling for college. They are for your records only. The idea behind the recording is an additional tool for you to use should you have challenges taking notes or remembering everything we went through during a session.  After we have completed a session, I will keep it for 4 weeks, after which time I will discard.  This is simply an additional resource for you assistance.

Permission to Record Skype Sessions

Dear Parent/Guardian/Student (if aged 18 or older):

I am requesting your permission to allow your child‘s sessions of our work on Skype to be recorded as an adjunct tool to my online instruction.  All recordings will be kept confidential.


Meg Glass